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C&D Models
White-metal kits and accessories.

HOK1 - Dodge Ram dually
Ref# |
Model |
HOK1 |
Dodge Ram
dually |
HOK2 |
Snowplough for pickup |
HOK3 |
Snowmobile (set of two) |
HOK4 |
Place snowmobile trailer |
HOK5 |
5th wheel Camper |
HOK6 |
Motorcycle (street) |
HOK7 |
Box Scraper |
HOK8 |
Grain Drill (1970 - Present) |
HOK9 |
5-shank V-Ripper (1960 - Present) |
HOK10 |
Headache rack |
HOK11 |
15ft Mulcher (1960 - Present) |
HOK12 |
Case 1470 tractor w/cab |
HOK13 |
Case 1470 tractor w/o cab |
HOK14 |
IH 4568 4wd tractor (1970) |
Motorcycle (street) 'Crouch Rocket' |
HOP01 |
5th wheel hitch plate for pickup |
HOP30 |
Flotation wheels/tires (metal) |
HOPD20 |
V-Ripper Shank w/1/64 Coulter (5 in set) |

HOK1 - Dodge Ram dually
Announced but not released:
Ref# |
Model |
? |
Ford F-600 tractor (1970) |
? |
Ford F-600 tandem-axle
tractor (1970) |
? |
Hopper bottom grain trailer |
? |
Roll-Over ploughs w/4-5-6-8 bottoms |
? |
Corn planter |
? |
Ford Louisville tandem-axle truck |
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