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A somewhat different Herpa model. Car models hidden in chocolate eggs are nothing
new, but this one is somewhat different from the toy-like models you'd normally
find inside these eggs. In this case the model inside the egg was made by Herpa
for Mercedes-Benz and was used as a promotional at the time of the introduction
of the new Mercedes E-class T-model on March 22nd, 2003.
The model is supposed to be made in 1/87 (we'll get to that later on..) and consists of five parts that snap together. The model was made in two colours, in the blue version pictured here and in a red version.
Around 11000 models have been made in a 1:7 colour ratio, every 7th model was red. As for the 87th scale bit, although it has been advertised as such the Herpa model is definately smaller then 1/87. Just have a look at the two pictures below where you can see the Herpa model pictured next to the Busch Mercedes E....