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Herzog Modellbau Manufacturer information: This Swiss one-man company went bankrupt before the model was actually released. Quote from the original text in the Swiss
Handelsamtsblatt stating that the company no longer exists:
End quote. Prototype information: Although often referred to as a Sauber C11, the model is actually a Sauber C12, Sauber's first F-1 car made before Mercedes-Benz became their official engine partner The C12 was powered by an Ilmor V10, made by Ilmor Engineering which was 25% Mercedes-Benz at that time. The first Sauber that had a 'real' Mercedes engine was the C13 of 1994.
Model information: The model is made of metal (pewter/brass) and is fully assembled and painted gloss black. The rear view mirrors are yellow. The tires are soft rubber over brass hubs. The only decals on the model are placed on both sides of the rear cowling: 'Concept by Mercedes Benz' (in white, Katjas Decals had the right decals, but these are out of print and now hard to find). The model comes in a 3.75" x 3" x 2" PC case. The case has a vacu-formed base in dark metallic gray with the Mercedes star and the print 'Mercedes-Benz' on the front and 'Herzog Modellbau, CH-8274 Taegerwilen' on the back. Some of them do not have the 'Herzog' on the back. Each model base is numbered to a total of 125. The preproduction model was unpainted.
Some interesting additional information received through the 87thScale.info messageboard: Herzog ordered some prototypes made in 1999, and these were made by a Germany company. The models were all made in pewter (body), brass (suspension, spoilers) and rubber (tires). Some of these models where painted brown, this was done to check if the model had been correctly converted. Unfortunately Mr. Herzog went bankrupt which left this German company sitting on some photo's and the open bills. At the Nuremberg Toyfair the Sauber model was spotted at the bottom of a display case by one of the messageboard members and said messageboard member managed to buy all models off of the company, but was not able to get the moulds or the license. Additionally: At the Intermodellbau Dortmund in April 2005 Mo-Miniatur was selling this exact same model..... So Mo-Miniatur was/is probably the manufacturer of the metalparts and it is likely that they are now trying to minimize the loss. To be continued.... Back to the manufacturers list Back to the modellistings page |