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Models built by Sylvain Le Stum
Pictures © Sylvain Le Stum

Sylvain sent us two pictures with no less then 24 models. The first picture shows twelve different Buick models: 

A: 1941 Sedan (Greg's Garage) - B: 1942 Utility Coupe (SMCC) - C: 1947 Sedan (SMCC) - D: 1947 Sedanette (SMCC) - E: 1947 Convertible Coupe (SMCC modified) - F: 1949 Roadmaster 70 Sedanette (Alloy Forms) - G: 1950 Super 50 Tourback Sedan (Busch modified) - H: 1950 Super 50 Riviera Sedan (Praliné modified) - I: 1950 Super 50 Convertible Coupe (Praliné modified) - J: 1953 Roadmaster 70 Skylark Sport Convertible Coupe (Alloy Forms) - K: 1957 Roadmaster 70 Riviera Hardtop Coupe (Joe Fay) - M: 1958 Super 50 Riviera Hardtop Sedan (Joe Fay).

The second picture shows various Edsel, Lincoln, Mercury and Continental models:

A: Mercury 1949 Club Coupe (Alloy Forms) - B: Mercury 1949 Station-wagon (SMCC) - C: Mercury 1950 Sport Sedan (Greg's Garage) - D: Mercury 1957 Montclair Sedan (Joe Fay) - E: Mercury 1958 Monterey Sedan (Joe Fay) - F: Continental 1957 Mark II Sport Coupe (Wiking) - G: Edsel 1958 Pacer Convertible Coupe (Anguplas modified) - H: Edsel 1958 Citation Hardtop Sedan (Anguplas modified) - I: Edsel 1959 Ranger Sedan (Joe Fay) - J: Lincoln 1937 Zephyr Sedan (Vulcan Hobbies) - K: Lincoln 1939 K Sedan (Greg's Garage) - M: Lincoln 1941 Continental Convertible Coupe (Ferrero modified).

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