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The making of....  a Volvo S80 in resin

1. Introduction

Just what is this all about?

I think anything that you might have heard about making your own models is actually ...true. Model making consumes your freetime, it is hard work and disappointment often accompanies you. But above all, it's simply fun !

Now, what did I get myself into ?
Not content with the choice of readily available models in our scale, I have always been an avid asserter of small series and handcrafted models. With any luck the Volvo S80 - obviously the most wanted car in our poll last year - is going to be made into such an 87th scale resin kit, and a decent looking one I should hope.


This will be one of those projects that fit the 'learning by doing' expression (or should I say 'trial and error' ?). Here, I'd like to share my experiences on a regular basis, you will (hopefully) learn the complete story of model making from chosing the prototype to mouldmaking and casting. It will be from my point of view and by no means I claim to be a professional, so you could consider the 'making of ...' as a guideline or you just read and watch how a model develops.

How do we start?

There are lots of possibilities to make masters: taking an existing model and re-shaping it, milling out a solid block of plastic or - and that's what I am going to attempt - making a model from sheet plastic. For once, this method doesn't require a load of specialist tools. I will be employing cutters, fine saws, drills and files, the smaller the better according to our small scale. That's about it. Plastic glue will be neccessary as well. You see there's nothing mysterious so far.


The first step towards the Volvo S80 will be a stencil ...       we'll show you that in part II !

Part II         To the other 'specials'