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Showcase #9

SMCC Dioramas
Pictures & text: Lee Nehlsen
Dioramas by Jerry

This is a model of Angels Flight as it was in downtown Los Angeles, California done from photographs. The model is about six feet long, two wide and tall. The cable cars do operate. All the buildings are scratch built. Nothing remains today but the cable cars themselves, which operate on a different track about a block south.

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The following is a model of the old Atlantic Richfield building in Los Angeles which has since been torn down. It is sitting on a card table. The light seen on the right in one of the pictures is over six feet tall. The model is four feet plus tall. (Yes those are vehicles down there). 

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The following are various scenes depicting Southern California in days gone by. Jerry built all the houses from scratch. There really was a gas station on Wilshire Blvd. that used a full size airplane as its building. The streetcars, know as the big red cars or the Pacific Electric Railway were very much a part of the Southern California scene.

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The last two shots are of a display of all the Stoney Mountain vehicles which was used at shows. It also shows in the second catalog.

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