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Williams Bros.

PIT-K   Mountain States Model Works

Apart from manufacturing airplane kits in various scales and accessories for modelrailroads Williams Bros. also produced a series of injection moulded kits of various US prototypes. The kits usually consisted of a one-piece body, interior + bottom plate and wheels. 

Company profile as it appeared on the Williams Bros. website Nov.1999:

'Williams Brothers began their operation in 1960 in a small garage in Hunnington Park, California, while Granger and Larry Williams were both still working in the wind tunnel section at North American Aviation. Their first molds were for nylon bellcranks and hinges. This, because Granger recalls, was that he needed those items for his own airplanes, and he felt that other fliers would need them.

By 1963 the small time operation had grown out of their garage and into a 1000 square foot industrial building in Bell, California. As production fell behind orders, they found themselves looking at injection molding equipment. At the time the new machines didn't fit their idea of what they should be like, so Granger and Larry built their first machine. Although the machine has since been retired and replaced with new ones, it still could do things that new ones can't.

In 1970, Granger and Larry packed up and headed for San Marcos, California. There they built a modern day industrial building that would carry their company into the 21st century. By this time the company was producing much more than the nylon hinges and bellcranks. They had gone into plastic spinners, wheels, pilots, engines, engine cylinders, machine guns, wheel pants, pylon racer kits and plastic scale model kits.

At present Williams Brothers Inc. now produces 21 plastic plane kits, 23 HO Scale car kits, 14 engine cylinders, 7 complete engine kits, 4 different style pilots in 5 or more sizes and 4 different style wheels in up to 10 different sizes. All this and still more to come.'

Williams Bros. stopped production in December 2004, after 45 years, due to illness of one of the brothers. The immediate family was not able to continue the business so, in March of 2005, all rights and assets required to produce the original products were purchased by Brett Industries, Inc. who will market the models as 'Williams Brothers Model Products'.


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The following kits have been available:

Ref# Model
53100 1939 Ford Deluxe sedan
53110 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 
53120 1957 Ford Thunderbird
53123 1957 Ford Thunderbird (three kits in package)
53130 1955 Ford panel truck
53200 1956 Ford Crown Victoria
53300 1953 Ford F-100 pick-up
53400 1953 Ford F-100 stakebed truck
53500 1940 Ford Coupe
53600 1935 Ford four-door sedan (reworked Mountain States)
53700 1949 Mercury two-door hardtop
53800 1992 Ford Taurus
53900 1992 Ford Explorer
54100 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air two-door hardtop
54110 1950 Chevrolet pick-up
54120 1950 Chevrolet stake truck
54500 1932 Chevrolet Coupe/convertible
54600 1932 Chevrolet pick-up
54700 1955 Chevrolet Nomad
54800 1977 Chevrolet El Camino
54900 1995 Chevrolet Blazer
55500 1977 Dodge saloon
56100 1937 Cord convertible
56200 1964 Pontiac GTO

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