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Anguplas /
Concentra (a Mexican supermarket chain) models
are actually Anguplas models made in Mexico from the originals moulds. They were
produced in the 1970s but nobody knows exactly which models were made. Later on the moulds
went back to EKO in Spain. Identifying Concentra models will be difficult, their
bottomplate shows 'Made in Spain', just like the Anguplas models.

The main difference between the Spanish models and
the Mexican ones are their colours. Among the Concentra models were for instance
rare items like the Mercedes Benz W196 in red, the Karmann Ghia in metallic green
and the Volkswagen Beetle in white. Apart from that, some of the Mexican models
appear to have different wheels then the Spanish ones. The Chausson bus can be
identified, if it is in good order there is a 'Concentra' sticker (red
lettering) on the rear of the model.

These are the models we have found
Ref# |
Model |
41/92 |
Studebaker Golden Hawk |
? |
Mercedes W196 |
? |
Volkswagen Beetle |
? |
Volkswagen Karmann Ghia I |
? |
Ebro beverage truck 'Jarritos' |
? |
Chausson bus |
? |
Doubledeck bus
(Anguplas 82) 'Coca-Cola' |
? |
Ford Taunus
17M |
? |
Jaguar D-type |
? |
'Etoile Filante' |
? |
Seat 600
Multipla |
? |
Ebro truck |
? |
TT.90.22 |
? |
DKW II-E combi |
? |
'Fire Rescue' |
? |
Ford Falcon |
? |
Lark |
? |
Isabella |
? |
Rover 3L |
? |
Jeep FC |
? |
Ford Consul |
? |
Ford Edsel
sedan |
? |
Landrover |
? |
Jeep |
? |
Jaguar Mk.IX |

Ebro beverage truck 'Jarritos'

Probably originating from
Concentra's marketing department, the second line in the text above translates
to 'made in Mexico, with European techniques' and the third line to 'metal
axles, made in Switzerland'. So much for having faith in Mexican made products.
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