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PIC-K    KeilKraft

In the 1980s ScanKit from Denmark manufactured several of the former Keil Kraft kits. Although often offered on auction sites as 1/87 scale models they are actually in 1/72nd scale. The original Keil Kraft kits were sold as tractors only, whereas most of the ScanKit versions included an articulated trailer.

Catalogue scans:

Scankit_1.jpg (78451 bytes) Scankit_2.jpg (85163 bytes)

Kit listing (incomplete):

Ref# Model
2001 Ford Transcontinental 4435 tractor w/trailer
2002 Ford Transcontinental 4435 tractor w/containertrailer
2003 Ford Transcontinental 4435 tractor w/open trailer
2011 Mercedes-Benz 2238S tractor w/trailer
2012 Mercedes-Benz 2238S tractor w/containertrailer
2013 Mercedes-Benz 2238S tractor w/lowloader trailer
2021 Volvo F12 tractor w/trailer
2022 Volvo F12 tractor w/containertrailer
2023 Volvo F12 tractor w/open trailer
2031 DAF 2800 ATI tractor w/trailer
2032 DAF 2800 ATI tractor w/containertrailer
2033 DAF 2800 ATI tractor w/lowloader trailer
3010 Kenworth Aerodyne tractor
3020 Ford Transcontinental 4435 tractor
? Mercedes-Benz 2238S tractor

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