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The 87th scale Manufacturers List - Part III

Latest additions / changes in GREEN.

 - A-H - I-MN - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


Brandname   (links to website if underlined) Full Name / Country Examples Comments


N3C S. Daniela, Italy modellisting Italian bus models in resin.
Narwag Narwag, France Resin kits, Narwag is also the distributor for several kits made by French 'artisans'.
Neoplast ?, Portugal Copies of Wiking models.
Neubauer Peter Neubauer Malteser Miniaturmodelle, Germany Limited series of models in 'Malteser' colours.
Neu-Mo Neumuth Modelle, Germany Motorized tank models.
Newgard Peter Newgard, Canada modellisting Resin cast busmodels.
New-Ray New-Ray, Hongkong modellisting Simple plastic models.
NIC ?, Hongkong Crude plastic toys.
Niedermeyer Volker Niedermeyer, Germany Modelmaker for the MFM resin kits.
Nimix Nimix, Spain modellisting Produces plastic and resin kits of army vehicles.
C.R. Ninive Claudio Rolfi, Italy Resin models of FIAT trucks.
'Nissan' ?, China modellisting Ready-made models of three 2002 Nissan prototypes.
NJ International N.J. International, USA modellisting 87th scale white metal kits. Kits are also known as DJH and Grandspot. Production stopped.
NM Niko P. Müller, Germany Resin models of older European trucks,ca. 1980-82, production stopped.
NMC Wiseman Model Services / Keith Wiseman, USA modellisting Production stopped. Wiseman Model Services has acquired and is now manufacturing the former National Motor Company line of 7 different  HO scale 1929 Packard kits, production of the kits will resume.
NModell ?, Sweden Saab 96 model, both as kit and ready-made.
NMP ?, Hong Kong Plastic models (Mercedes logging truck and VW Beetle are known)
Noch Noch GmbH & Co., Germany Sells Rietze models in different colours on the US market. 
Norev Norev SA, France


Plastic and diecast models.
Norscot Norscot Inc., USA modellisting 1/87 die-cast models of Caterpillar construction equipment.
Nostalgic Miniatures ?, ?
NP ?, ?
Nucomp Nucomp Miniatures, USA Kit of a trailer park, kits of seperate trailers and two mobile home kits. 
NZG NZG-Modelle GmbH, Germany modellisting Manufacturer of die-cast construction equipment.


Oddball's Oddballs Decals, USA Decals only.
Oddo's Oddo's Models, USA


Oest Modell Reinhard Oestmann, Germany modellisting
OHS models Outram Hire & Sales / Richard Outram, UK modellisting Resin/white-metal/brass 87th scale models of mining equipment. 
O.K.C. O.K.C., France See: Tilbury.
OK-Modell Karl-Ludwig Ostermann, Germany Trailer models and special prints on plastic models.
Oldcars Old Cars di Castellani & C. s.n.c., Italy modellisting Diecast model of an Iveco Turbostar tractor w/trailer.
Only Mini Daniel Schultheiss, Germany modellisting Offers several Mini models (Moke 'The Prisoner',  Pickup in various colours and with/without cover of the load floor, Mini convertible in various types) and plans other types of Moke models in 1:87. The Mini Moke will also be available as kit in the future.
On The Road ?, The Netherlands Former Alt-Berlin kits, bagged, but only one model per package where Alt-Berlin had two models per package. Also made resin accessories, detail parts and decals.
On-Trak On-Trak Model Products, USA modellisting Resin/whitemetal kits of American style truck models, actually reissued Walker Model Service models. Link points to a distributors website.
Orbis Fabbri Orbis Fabbri, Italy modellisting Art / book editor from Italy sells 'collections'. Listed here is a series of 1/87 trucks released in 2004. All trucks and the blisters are marked with the Italeri logo and 'Made in China'. Also see: RBA
Orcecis Oversloot Exclusive cars in Scale (Piet Oversloot), The Netherlands Repainted / decorated models in original factory colours. Previously known as ORC.
Oriental Limited Masudaya Co., Japan The Masudaya models were sold under this brand name in the US.
Orient Express  ?, France Besides distributing 'Top Models' they also issued four resin truck kits in 1984.
Ostmodelle Adrian Gawronek, Germany Small series of models after GDR prototypes. The following have been available sofar: ARO240, Nysa 522, TV12 van + pickup. The models are manufactured by Wespe.
Osul ?, Portugal modellisting Simple plastic models.
Otto’s Fibelverlag ?, Germany Paper model of a Berlin bus.
Overland Overland Models Inc, USA
Oxford Diecast Oxford Diecast, UK Click the 'Mini-Classics' button on the Oxford Diecast site to get to the pictures.
Oz Trucks TES Wholesales, Australia modellisting Manufactured Australian 'roadtrains' by using Promotex and Herpa parts. 


Paige Paige Enterprises Parts Emporium, USA Whitemetal kit of a horsedrawn fire engine.
Panda Mitroplast ?, Brazil Simple plastic model of a roadroller.
Panier John W. Panier, Germany Accessory sets (German licenseplates) released in 1980.
Panier-Flomo Panier-Flomo GmbH, Germany Distributed 'Carocar' models.
Paragon Kits A.N. Goodwin, UK 1/76th scale resin bus kits
Parker Models ?, UK modellisting 1/76th scale white-metal kits.
Parsifal Parsifal Production, Belgium Offered repainted EKO models.
Pat-Mor ?, China Manufacturer of the Monogram Mini-Exacts.
Patrick  ?, Hongkong Offered construction equipment models at the 1992 Nuremberg Toy Fair.  (The models were equipped with working hydraulic imitations)
Paul's Model Art Paul's Model Art, Germany See Minichamps.
Paya Paya International, Spain Three diecast models of Spanish trucks close to 1/87th scale.
PDC Precision Design Company, Canada Grille decals for Boley International 4000/4700. Unknown if these are still available.
Peak Horse Peak Horse Ventures, Hongkong modellisting 1/87 models of Hongkong doubledeckerbuses.
Peddinghaus Decals Ernst Peddinghaus, Germany Decals for military vehicles.
Peetzy Johannes Ehrenfried, Germany ROCO models were originally sold as ROCO-Peetzy in Germany.
Pee-Wee Lone Star Products, UK Impy models were sold as Pee-Wee Models in the US.
Pen-Bay Brad Libby / Pen-Bay Equipment Co., USA Production stopped.
Penn Line Penn Line Manufacturing, USA White-metal kit of a Ford 'C' tractor.
PerMo Perleberger Modellbauartikel, Germany
Permot Hruska GmbH, Germany See Hruska.
Petner Robert Petner, USA modellisting 1/87 scale military models, production stopped..
PGH Produktionsgenossenschaft Handwerk Plauen, former GDR Production stopped, see Prefo.
Phoenix Phoenix Miniatures, UK White metal kits in 1/76th scale.
Piccolino Bellini Models Ltd., UK  modellisting Land speedrecord car models in 1/76, available as either kit or assembled. Currently available from R.A.E. Models.
Piftorak Piftorak, Ukraïne Handbuilt (small series) of Mercedes 770 models.
Le Pikkole Preziosi Collection, Italy modellisting Simplified (less prints) models made by HighSpeed and released earlier by Schuco/Modelpower/Malibu. Identical models are/have been available from Simba-Dickie under the 'Razers' name.
Pilhöfer Pilhöfer, Germany Models of FAUN trucks, made in the 1960s.
Pilot Henning Cortsen, Denmark modellisting Production stopped.
Pirate John Gay, UK White metal kits of bus models (ca. 100 different prototypes).
Pitsch Pitsch, Germany Offered a metal kit of a woodgas installation in the 1980s
Pitter's Papp Kisten Peter Hoeveler jr.,
modellisting First introduced in 1983 when they produced a furniture trailer made of cardboard, later they issued white metal kits of farm equipment.
PJR Marketing ?, ? One model, an Austin London taxi
Planet Toys ?, USA The Ford and Dodge vans that were available at 
American Walmarts for a short while were sold under this label.
Plano Plano Model Products, USA Photo-etched detailparts.
Plaspi  ?, ex-GDR Simple plastic models, one of them a combine harvester with trailer.
Plasta Plasta-Werke Sonneberg, Werk Theuern, former GDR Simple plastic model of a Wartburg 353, production stopped.
Plasticart Plasticart GmbH, Germany See Espewe.
Plasticville Bachmann Bros., USA Produced simple toy cars.
Plastruct Plastruct, USA
Plastspielwaren VEB Plastspielwaren Berlin, former GDR Production stopped, see Herr.
Playart Playart Ltd., Hongkong 1/64 scale die-cast models, often referred to as HO in the US.
Playcraft ?, UK Production stopped, these simple (no windows) models were sold in combination with trainsets, production from 1961-1969. Original Playcraft models can be recognized very easily, the wheels were either red or white. Some of the moulds went to Jouef, the models were then released with windows. Jouef's Mercedes 220 is actually a Playcraft model.  
Playkit ?, ? Kit of a Ford Transit van.
PM PM-Modellbau, Germany modellisting Resin kits of trucks and buses.
PMT Profi Modellbau Thyrow, Germany Model of a DKW350 motorcycle and a ZIL truck.
Pocher ?, ?
Pocket Cars Tomica Corporation, Japan see Tomica-Dandy.
Pohl / PL Rene Pohl, Germany modellisting
Pola Gebr. Faller, Germany Pola used older Wiking models, mostly in kit-form, as accessories to their modelkits.
Polar Model Tellef Lie-Andreassen, Norway Norwegian versions of Herpa models.
Polfi Toys ?, Greece One plastic busmodel, sold in souvenirshops.
Porte-Clef ?, France
Power Models ?, Netherlands  Different versions of assembled Mini models.
PP Model ?, Germany Efsi truckmodels with different printing.
Praliné MFB GmbH, Germany Production stopped, see MFB / Busch.
Prefo VEB Prefo Dresden / Werk I, former GDR modellisting Production stopped.
Premo KoMo Ltd., Russia See 
KoMo purchased Premo, but still uses the green Premo packaging for the models.
Preiser Paul M. Preiser KG, Germany Produces own models but also uses Rietze models.
Prep Modell International, Germany modellisting See Modell International / Praline / MFB / Busch, the PreP name has often been explained as Pre-Praline. The PreP models were produced in Hongkong.
Preussenmodelle Preussenmodelle Berlin Wilfried Kaiser, Germany Etched kits of carriages and trailers
Primex Primex Spielwaren GmbH, Germany Division of Marklin, created in 1969 to enhance Marklin sales. Marklin wanted to protect their brand-name and did not want to sell models through other channels than specialized shops. The Primex name was created to be able to sell Marklin products in other kinds of stores as well. Primex used Wiking, Bruder and Kibri models.
Pro Custom Ray C. Babicky, USA Plaster models of American prototypes. See: RCB.
Professional Model Štìpán Stránský, Czech Republic Resin kits and detail parts (military)
'Progress' Wörnlein & Zellhofer, Germany  Model of a Setra S12 bus which was introduced at the same time as the original (1967). Setra also used the model as a promotional.
Prometheus Christian Grottendieck, Germany modellisting Resin kits of exotic prototypes.
Pro Modell Martin Prommersberger, Germany Resin kits, introduced in 1991.
Pro Modell Hans Jürgen Schütt, Germany 'Decals' printed on thin plastic selfadhesive foil, production stopped in 2004. 
Promotex Promotex Inc, USA Plastic models, available in Europe through Herpa.
Promotoys WSI Models, The Netherlands Manufacturer of die-cast promotional models in 1/87.
Puffing Billy Puffing Billy Models, Australia White metal kit of an Ansair bus (1986).
Puget Sound Chuck's Truck Casting Services, USA modellisting Production stopped in Dec. 2004, in April 2007 all of the molds/masters were bought by Chuck Lorente who will start production in the near future.
Pulga ?, Spain modellisting Simple plastic models.
Punter Stein Punter, Norway Resin models of one of the few cars ever built in Norway, the Troll Minicar. (Only 5 were ever built !). It was made in two versions, the first in solid resin, the second version has windows.
Purkhard Purkhard, Germany Production stopped.


Quality Quality Craft Models, USA White metal / wooden kits.
Quartermaster Quartermasters Depot, Canada Decals only.


RA Model Petr Dosly, Czech Republic modellisting Small series resin cast models of buses.
Racing Champions ?, China Various die-cast models of a Kenworth T600A and a Ford Aeromax, all with racetrailers.
Racing Spirits ?, ? modellisting Die-cast metal give-aways.
R.A.E. RAE Models, UK modellisting Manufacturer of the Piccolino series of land speedrecord car models for Bellini. The models are currently available from R.A.E. as kits and ready-made models.
Railline Products Bram Osborne, UK & Belgium Resin kits of Van Hool buses formerly known as EurHo Models. Production stopped, moulds acquired by Transcale.
Railmaster Railmaster Hobby  Products Co., USA modellisting Cast plaster models, out of production.
Rail Power Rail Power Products, USA Intermodal equipment in 1/87, production stopped. See Athearn
Railstop Railstop, USA Announced re-release of the former Ulrich kits.
Railway Design Railway Design Associates, USA Urethane casting kit of a Caterpillar crawler.
Rakachi ?, China One model in 1/87 sofar, a die-cast Isuzu Wizard.
Rapid Miniature Motor Co. Scale Structures Ltd., USA modellisting Division of SS Ltd., white metal kits.
Rasant Reinhard & Co. KG, Germany modellisting 'HO'-scale slotcars (similar to Faller AMS), out of production.
Ratcliffe Ralph Ratcliffe, USA Modelmaker for Don Mills and others, also creator of solid resin Mack models. Released a  hollowcast Ward La France P-80 cab in 2007.
Rawcliffe Rawcliffe Pewter, USA
Razers Simba-Dickie, Germany Simplified (less prints) models made by HighSpeed and released earlier by Schuco/Modelpower/Malibu. Identical models are/have been available from Preziosi Collection under the 'Le Pikkole' name.
RBA RBA, Spain see 
Orbis Fabbri
Art / book editor from Spain that sells 'collections'. Currently, they are selling the 'Descubra e collecione os gigantes da estrada' (Know and collect the giants of the road) series of 1/87 trucks in Portugal. All trucks and the blisters are marked with the Italeri logo and 'Made in China'.  Also see: Orbis Fabbri.
RCB Pro-Custom Ray C. Babicky, USA modellisting Plaster models of American prototypes.
Realmodel Collection ?, Japan modellisting < 1/80 scale models of Japanese prototypes used as give-aways in Japan.
Realtoy Realtoy Int'l Ltd., Hongkong Simple diecast/plastic truckmodels near 1/87.
Record ?,  France One model, the Peugeot Oxia conceptcar, was distributed by 'IMU'.
Redline Redline Models, ? modellisting Resin Ferrari models 
Reel Rides High Speed, China modellisting Die-cast metal models after prototypes used in movies. Reel Rides belongs to Malibu International.
Reifra Reifra GmbH, Germany -
Reinhard Thomas Reinhard Thomas, Germany See Thomas
Reitsma ?, The Netherlands Dry transfer lettering sets for Mastica bus models.
Remco Remco Industries, USA modellisting Released 'Thimble City' playsets in 1965 that contained copies of the Revell 1961 Chrysler Imperial, 1961 Dodge Dart and 1961 Plymouth (converted to towtruck) models.
Remember Modelle Lars Müller, Germany Resin kits of German fire-fighting vehicles.
ResiKit AMBOISE37, France modellisting Resin kit of a Kenworth K100 Aerodyne.
Resin Unlimited Jason Davis, USA The website, which hadn't been updated since 2002, has disappeared in 2007. Production probably stopped.
rétro87 Maquettes SAI, France The SAI resin and metal kits are sold under this name.
Revell Revell-Monogram, USA modellisting
Reviresco John McEwan, USA 1/87 white-metal kits of military models.
Rex ?, Germany modellisting Also known as Rex-Juwel.
R+H R+H Modellbau und Untwicklungsgesellschaft (Siegbert Ritter & Gerhard Haas), Germany  87th scale model of a SIMBA/Rosenbauer airport firetruck and several truckmodels, production from 1986 - 1993, see MCC.
Ribeirinho ?, Portugal modellisting Simple plastic models.
Rico ?, Spain ? Distributor of the 87th scale Chryslers made by Revell.
(see: Revell / Heljan)
Ribu Ribu Modellbau, Germany Rereleased the Hammer bus models in the 1980's. Production stopped. The Ribu name is currently owned by Rietze, who were planning to release models similar to the Faller Car System under this name somewhere in 2002....
Rick Decals Rick Decals, Canada Decals and resin truckcabs of US prototypes.
Ricko Ricko Ltd., Hongkong modellisting Announced plastic models in 1/87 in July 2004. Distributor for Germany & Benelux is Busch, see: http://www.rickoricko.de 
Rietze Rietze Automodelle, Germany Plastic models made since the early 1980s.
Rio Grande Rio Grande Models Ltd., USA Several white-metal kits, like an Erie dragline and a Wilford Universal shovel.
RiRe Modelle RIRE Maschinen GmbH, Germany Conversion sets for Kibri models. Available as kits and ready-made models. 
Ritter R+H Modellbau und Untwicklungsgesellschaft, Germany See R+H.
Rivarossi Hornby Plc., UK modellisting Plastic models, mainly used as accessories, out of production.
River Point Station River Point Station, USA Announced models of several Fords (F-250 and F-350 among others) in various versions.
RK RK-Modelle, Germany Plastic and resin models made in Russia, also own parts combined with Albedo trucks.
R&L Rosenhain & Lipmann, Australia modellisting Manufacturer of cereal premiums, production stopped. See Aurora / HP RepLicars. R&L models could also be found in the Swedish 'Kalaspuffar' cereal boxes.
RMM Reinhard Merlau Modellbau, Germany Resin kits of emergency vehicles.
RMM Roskopf Miniaturmodelle GmbH, Germany Production stopped, taken over by Wiking.
RN-Modelle Ralf Nowack, Germany Kits, conversion kits and accessories of/for military models.
Roadace Roadace Replicas, UK Produced a series of plaster sports- and racecars (1965-1970)
Roadchamps Roadchamps, USA Made bus models which were close to 1/87th scale.
Road Chief ?, USA Resin/white-metal kits of a Mack B42 and a B61.
Robbe robbe Modellsport GmbH & Co. KG, Germany modellisting Released a 1/87 RC truck (Herpa based), out of production.
Roberts David P. Roberts, USA modellisting Solid cast plaster US busmodels. 
Robustelli Gennaro Robustelli, Italy modellisting Transkits for the Herpa Ferrari F40.
Roco Modelleisenbahn GmbH, Austria modellisting Injection moulded plastic models.
Roco Minitanks Modelleisenbahn GmbH, Austria modellisting From Oct. 1st, 2007 onwards Herpa wil be the distributor of these models.
Rogeron ?, France modellisting Models used as promotionals with altered bottomplate. Made by Jouef. See Jouef. 
Rokar ?, ? 1/64 scale ('HO') slotcars, company was bought by Lifelike Products in 1992.
Romano Peter Romano, Switzerland Clear-resin models of FBW and Saurer truckcabs. 
Roskopf Roskopf Miniaturmodelle GmbH, Germany modellisting Production stopped, taken over by Wiking. See RMM.
Roundhouse Roundhouse Hobbies, USA
Route 66 Con-Cor International, USA See Con-Cor.
Routiers, Les ?, France modellisting Die-cast models, out of production
Rowland Rowland Miniatures, UK modellisting All models in 1/76th scale.
RTM Ralf Trepkowski, Germany Resin military kits.
Ruch Zaklady Ruch, Poland Produced a Robur LO2500 truck which was a copy of the Espewe model and a Bedford truck which was a copy of a Matchbox model.
RW-modelcars ?, Germany Distributor of Bugatti models made by K+R.
RZ-Modell Roland Zeits, Germany Resin kits of  truckcabs. 


S&J S&J Etc., USA
Sachsenmodelle Sachsenmodelle, Germany
SAI Maquettes SAI, France French distributor of several Brekina models in French versions and a Peugeot 206 and Renault Clio model made by AWM. Also sells resin kits under the 'Retro87' name.
Saller Saller, Germany Whitemetal models.
Samtoys ?, ?
Samtrees Simon Architectural Model, Hongkong Resin carmodels in 1/100 (possibly copies of the Mini-Collection models)
Sanwa ?, ?
Saradecals MG Group, Italy Decals only.
Satori Models ?, Czech Republic modellisting Handbuilt resin models of Czech prototypes.
Saurertruck Mauro Cappelletti, Switzerland Offers models of the Saurer D5 and D290/D330 types.
Scale87 Wolfgang Inzinger, Austria Resin kits of European trucks.
Scalecast International Hobbies, USA ? modellisting White metal kits of construction equipment mostly in 1/76.
Scalelink Scalelink, UK modellisting White metal kits in different scales.
Scale Promotions Modelbouw Luthart, the Netherlands modellisting Resin kits and decals for Dutch firefighting vehicles. Also: Luthart
Scale Scenics Circuitron, USA Produces model train accessories and two 1/87 plastic kits: a fork-lift and a steamroller.
Scale Structures Scale Structures Ltd., USA modellisting Whitemetal kits. Also known as SS Ltd.
ScanKit ?, Danmark modellisting re-issued several Keil Kraft kits in the 1980s, actually 1/72nd scale models !
Schauwers Jan de Schauwers, Belgium Belgian versions of Herpa models, each limited to 100-300 pieces.
Schimmer Schimmer Modelle & Co., Germany Production stopped in 1991, models were partially based on built Kibri modelkits but models from other manufacturers were also used. See: Magnum.
Schmidt Schmidt Teknik Hobby, Danmark Functioning 1/87 LED-lightbars for emergency vehicles.
Schmitz Modellbau Schmitz, Germany Meiller dumper bodies for trucks.
Schröder Schröder, Germany Five Ford models (massive metal) we know of:  Fiesta, Escort, Orion, Sierra & Scorpio. Also offered truck model accessories since 1990.
Schuco Schreyer + Co., Germany Die-cast models in 1/90.
Schulz Christian Schulz, Germany
Schulze ?, Germany Resin kits of mainly GDR models.
Schylling Schylling, USA 1/87 keychains of a VW bus and a beetle.
SDV SDV Model Jan Podubecky, Czech Republic Well-detailed plastic kits of various trucks and buses (Tatra, Praga, Karosa). All kits are limited to one run of a 1000 pieces maximum.
Scratchbuilt Scalemodels Lyle Noah, USA Production stopped when Lyle Noah died in November 2002.
SEGA Sega Corporation, Japan modellisting 1/80 scale solid plastic models.
Selley Finishing Touches ?, USA Ready made metal models (a Jeep, farm tractors, tanks, etc.).
SES Schmidt Electronic Systeme, Germany SES produces models using the former Espewe moulds, but has also developed two new models, the Trabant 601 and an IFA W50 truck. They also bought some moulds from other manufacturers (like the Opel Kadett C coupé from 'IMU'). Name changed to Modelltec in 2003.
Sheepscot Sheepscot Products / George Barrett, USA Resin kits of trucks and trailers.
'Shell' ?, ? A series of six chromed Ferrari keychains.
Shinsei Shinsei Kogyo Co.Ltd., Japan modellisting Manufactured some die-cast model close to 87th scale.
Shire Scenes Shire Scenes, UK White-metal kits of horsedrawn carriages.
SHM ?, Germany modellisting
SHMI Svensk Hobby & Model Import, Sweden Main products are decals and detailparts, but they also produced a long trailer that could be used to make a Swedish roadtrain.
Shortline Shortline Products, USA
Sibur ?, France modellisting Simple plastic model of a Mercedes truck + trailer that appeared in 1989.
Siebert Walter Siebert Modellbau, Germany Also known as WSM.
Siegert K.-H. Siegert, Germany Conversion kits for Plasticart, Permot and Espewe models.
Siekmann Siekmann & Co., Germany German distributor for Efsi and Lone Star. In 1985 they introduced a series of models based on Efsi and Praline trucks under the ASA2000 name.
Sierra West Sierra West Scale Models, USA Kit of a BEST 60 tractor.
Siku Sieper Werke, Germany Manufacturer of die-cast models in several scales, some models are close to 1/90. From 2002 Siku started making models in 1/87 as well. Sieper is also the owner of Wiking.
Silhouette Takara Co. Ltd., Japan modellisting Injection moulded plastic models in 1/82 scale, out of production. Takara Co., Ltd. merged with TOMY Co., Ltd. in March 2006.
Silver Eagle  ?, ? MB 300 SL Gullwing and roadster made of pewter (also available in 1/160).
Simmons Simmons Scale Models, USA Wooden kits of circus vehicles.
Simplon Model Simplon Model, Italy modellisting Iveco Turbostar with various trailers.
Sistema DEP Politoys, Italy See: APS.
S.J.M. ?, Sweden Decals for Swedish trucks and policecars.
Skyhook Models Skyhook Models, USA Resin kits of fictional spacecraft in 1/87 scale.
Smart Toys Smart Toys Ltd., Hongkong Plastic models, made in China. Several models are modified copies of Wiking models.
SMER SMER, Czech Republic Well known for their 1/43 ex-Heller kits, they also produced a Mazda 626, Nissan Prairie and a Mitsubishi L300 from old Rietze moulds. Also known as Mikro Auto. SMER has also produced a diecast model of a Tatra T138 truck.
SMK ? Ukraine Plastic kits of Russian vehicles. (Various KraZ models)
SMM ?, Czech Republic Resin kits of Czech prototypes.
Snajdr ?, Czech Republic Small series of models, partially based on Busch models (Ford AA tanktruck, Ford AA convertible bus), others made in resin (Tatra 82 bus)
Snap-A-Roos Aurora, USA Former R&L models. See Aurora and R&L.
Southpoint Southpoint Scale Miniatures, Canada Resin intermodal trailers.
Spark* Spark Feingusstechnik, Germany modellisting 87th scale metal keychains. *Links to the website of Spark's distributor in North-America.
Spark Model Spark Model, ? modellisting Resin miniatures of racing cars
Sparrow's Point Bethlehem Car Works, USA
Spenner Reiner Spenner, Germany Production stopped.
Spieth Spieth Modellbau / M.L. Spieth, Germany Decals and accessories.
SPM  Stosch Parussidis Modellbau, Germany Produces a Robur truck from ex-GDR moulds.
Springside Springside Models, UK 1/76th (OO) scale white metal kits.
SR ?, France
SS Scale Structures Ltd., USA Whitemetal kits. See: Scale structures.
SSM Scratchbuilt Scale Models, USA See Scratchbuiltscalemodels
Stanum Linea André Marie Ruf, France modellisting The website only lists the current 1/43 models.
Steam and Truck  ?, Germany Offered a series of metal kits (steam powered vehicles) in 1982.
Stettnisch Stettnisch Modell Gmbh, Germany modellisting Production stopped, see KS-Modellarts.
Stewart Stewart Products, USA modellisting Metal kits of construction equipment.
Stock & Heinze Stock & Heinze GmbH, Germany Small series resin models of Eastern European prototypes.
Stokes, Lee Lee Stokes, USA modellisting Cast plaster models. See: Le Roy Toy.
Stoney Mountain Stoney Mountain Classic Casting, USA modellisting Out of production.
Streamlux Streamlux Pty.Ltd., Australia modellisting Produced nine 1/80 scale die-cast models, the Streamlux Miniature Series' 
Studio 87 ?, Germany Exclusively distributed some BS-Design kits like the Porsche 916 in Germany.
'Subaru' ?, ? The Subaru rally-team offers an 87th scale die-cast (keychain) model of their WRC2003 car.
Summer Summer Metal Products Manufacturing, Hongkong Issued three metal models of firebrigade vehicles in 1983 and produced metal/plastic truck tractors.
Summer ?, China Diecast / plastic models of several buses with opening doors.
'Sunkus' ?, ?  modellisting Japanese convenience store, used models as give-aways. 
Sunshine Sunshine Models, USA International Farmall tractor models. (vac-form kit)
Superba Models Joseph Fay, USA modellisting Small series resin kits of American cars of the 1950s / 1960s.
Super D KTD-HHB, Germany Accessories for modeltrucks.
Super Grand ?, China modellisting 1/87 scale R/C car models.
Supermarketmodels ?, UK Model trucks in liveries of British supermarkets based on AWM, Herpa and Rietze models.
Surrey Custom Models Karl Fasolino, Canada Offered custom built US truck models.
Sutherland Cotswold (?), UK White-metal kits, a Blue-Bird schoolbus (1975) and a GMC TD4502/7.
S.V. Modèle ?, Belgium Various Peugeot 202 models.
Sweetmodels Richard Sweetman, UK Resin kit of a Triumph 2000 Mk.I.
Swissmodel Swissmodel, Switzerland Herpa models with own prints.
Sword Precision Scale Models Chuck Sword, USA modellisting Die-cast models of construction equipment.
Sylvan Sylvan Scale Models, Canada modellisting Kits (polyurethane resin) with fully detailed interiors (including a driver), rubber tires and vacuum formed window glazing. Truck models also have etched mirrors and grab handles.


Takara TOMY Company, Ltd., Japan See Silhouette. Takara Co., Ltd. and TOMY Co., Ltd. have merged in March 2006, the new company is called TOMY Company, Ltd.
Tamiya Tamiya Inc., Japan modellisting Pull-back racers.
Taylor / TPM Taylor Precision Models, UK Resin car kits in 1/76 scale.
TB Modelle ?, Germany Resin parts for GDR prototypes. Website not updated since 2006.
TC Modelworks  Jos Keja, Netherlands   modellisting Production stopped, see Dutch Art.
Team Caliber ?, USA? Die-cast NASCAR models (fridge magnets) in /87
Technomodell Technomodell Gerhard Walter, former GDR The moulds for the Trabant 601 and Wartburg 311 sold by Haufe were made for Haufe by Walter. They are identifiable by the 'wm' logo on their bottomplate. 
Tecnotren Tecnotren SNC, Italy modellisting Small series brass models.
Tekno Tekno, Denmark modellisting Four plastic models, made in the 1950s.
Teknobygg Teknobygg, Sweden modellisting Metal kits of older Volvo models. See: Modell Mekanik.
Thomas  Reinhard Thomas, Germany modellisting Photo-etched brass bodies for Berlinplast's IFA W50 
THS -Modell Thomas Hänsel, Germany Limited edition bus models based on models made by Brekina or Rietze.
Tikob Tikob Hobby, Denmark Resin/white metal kit of a 1934 Opel Blitz bus
Tilbury O.K.C., France modellisting White-metal kits, out of production.
Time Time Co. Ltd., Japan 1/80th scale plastic models.
TimMee ?, Hongkong modellisting Kader (Norev copies) were also sold under this name in the USA
Tin-Toys Tin's Metal Manufacturing Works, Hongkong Die-cast truck models.
T.I.R.E. Lee Drennen, USA One model sofar, a resin-cast cab of a 1960s Peterbilt conventional with sleeper.
Tixeon Tixeon, Dept. MR2, USA White-metal kits of Mack truck tractors with trailers (only available in 1979 as far as we know)
TK Models ?, USA White-metal kits. Possibly Korber ?
TL-Decals TL-Decals e.K., Germany Decals and resin accessories.
Tomy / Tomica TOMY Company, Ltd, Japan modellisting Die-cast models.
Tonka Tonka Coroperation, USA modellisting Several sportscars models in near 87th scale, these models were also sold under the Zima brandname.
Tootsietoys Strombecker Mfg. Co., USA modellisting Production stopped in the early 1970's.
Tololoko Anatol Gacek, Poland Ready-made resin models of Polish prototypes.
Tonkin Replicas Tonkin Replicas, USA

Die-cast/plastic truck models.

Top Cars ?, Brazil modellisting Copies of Bruder models.
Top Dog Models ?, Canada -
Top Models Patrick Pillet, France modellisting White metal and resin kits.
Tower Models Tower Models, UK 1/76th (OO) scale plastic kits of buses.
Toyfintoy Toyfintoy Manufacturers, Hongkong Copies of Wiking models, scaled down. See Ferrero.
'Toyota' ?, China modellisting Diecast Toyota Yaris model of Chinese manufacture.
Train Collection 2000 ?, Canada Small series of resin models, mainly copies of other models.
Trainscapes Bill Goddard, USA
Train Tronics   ?, USA Plastic kits of two 'Mopar' prototypes known.
Tramo   ?, Ukraine ZIS trucks which first appeared in 1989, now distributed by ROCO. 
Trane Trane, Japan 'Pocket Bus' near 1/87 models of Japanese buses.
Transcale Transcale, UK This manufacturer of brass railway locomotives acquired the EurHo bus model moulds and is now planning to release European bus models. (Heuliez GX107 in May, Heuliez GX187 later in 2005). It is not likely that the former EurHo models will re-appear, reconstructing the moulds would be too costly.
Transport Replicas ?, UK Manufacturer of white metal kits in the 1970s. Out of production, mould taken over by ABS Streetscene.
Transit Classics Transit Classics, Australia Resin kit of an Australian suburban bus.
TraWos A. Wosniak, Netherlands modellisting Resin kits, out of production.
Treetech Finney & Smith, UK Architectural models, cast white-metal, 1/100.
Tri-ang ?, UK Their carmodels were (also ?) sold under the Minix name.
Trident Trident Modelle B.F. Villi, Austria Plastic models of American prototypes and resin/whitemetal military kits.
Trinity ?, Germany Not a real modelmaker, enhances models with prints.
Triple's Triple's Models, USA Announced a autocarrier trailer made of brass / stainless steel.
Triskell Jörg Haidinger, Germany
Troby ?, France Only one model: a Peugeot 404 with electric engine.
Tröger A. Tröger Modellbau, Germany Repainted ROCO models.
Trol ?, Brazil Made in the 1960s, there were two series of models, the first series are basically toys, but one can tell that these are replicas of the 1959 Ford 2-door sedan and convertible as well as the 4-door estate and the pick-up. These plastic models do not have interiors. The second series was more detailed, in this series there was a 1960 Plymouth Valiant, a not so detailed Pontiac Tempest and a 2-door Ford Falcon. Most likely the models were originally made in the USA and the tools then shipped to Brazil because there are two versions of all models.
Tropica ?, France French cars of the 1950s-60s, ca. 1/87, models with and without keychain attached.
Truckdecals Oliver Lenzner, Germany Decals only.
Truckers models ?, UK Herpa made truck models in liveries of UK based transport companies. 
Truckin'Big Lindberg, USA modellisting From 1981, the Lindberg Hi-Rollers have been available under this name. Production stopped.
Truck Line Petra Budde, Germany See: TL-Decals.
Trucks@more Trucks@more Ltd., UK/France/Germany Die-cast promotional trucks made by a new firm owned by the Forkel brothers (formerly Albedo), registered in the UK with an adress in France but distributing from Heilsbronn, Germany. 
Trucks 'n Stuff Trucks n' Stuff, USA
Trumpeter ?, China modellisting MGM may have always been a brand name of Trumpeter, this, however, is not certain. Production of the models formerly sold as MGM models was definately taken over by Trumpeter in December 2000. The website has no information on the carmodels. Several Trumpeter models (Hong-Qi, Porsche 956) are distributed by Brekina.
Tsugawa ?, Japan Mainly an N scale manufacturer, Tsugawa makes an HO scale bus model as well
TTrains & More TTrains & More, Germany Kits of trailers (DDR prototypes) in photo-etched brass.
Tucker Box ?, Australia Simple diecast models.
Tuf-Tots LoneStar Products, UK modellisting 1/86 scale die-cast models, out of production. The moulds were also used by Microlink Industries Ltd to produce a series called 'Mokes'. 
TVK TVK Modellbau, Germany Models of a Borgward railbus in resin and paper.
TWH Collectibles TWH Collectibles, USA modellisting Die-cast models of construction equipment.
Tyco Mattel Inc, USA modellisting See Mattel. There were some simple plastic models as accessories to their train layouts, some exactly in 1/87.


Uli's Messing-Manufaktur Uli's Messing-Manufaktur, Germany Models of GDR prototypes. See:IMModell.
Ulrich Models Ulrich Models, USA Production had stopped, but three models are now available again. Current manufacturer: Ulrich Models. Also see: Jaks Industries / Alloy Forms / Haulrich.
UMEX UMEX, Austria modellisting Out of production, two moulds were used by Roco later on.
Unicata Unicata Modellbau, Germany Production stopped.
Union ?, ? Metal kits, 1/90 Unimog U406, 1/87 BMW328.
United Fun United Fun Models, Germany Military models in 87th scale.
Universa ?, Czech Republic Model of a Praga V3C in zinc, production stopped 1968 (?).
Universal Hobbies Universal Hobbies, Hongkong Manufacturer of the 1/87 models used by Editions Atlas in their "L'Age d'or" series. More here.
UPC Universal Powermaster Corporation, USA Military models, 'HO Pocket Combat Series'.
Uraniwa Kenji Satou, Japan Resin kit of a 1975 Triumph Spitfire 1500 (US-version).
US Highway Stars ?, ? modellisting See CopCarCollection model-listing.
US-Models Ulrich Schmidt, Germany modellisting Clear-resin kits. 
UW-Modelle U.W. Guter, Germany


V&V Model Vecerník-Modely / Franta Vecernik, Czech Republic modellisting White metal models.
Varney Varney Scale Models, USA modellisting Production stopped in the 1960s.
Vau-Pe ?, Germany Used Eko models in their railroad accessory sets (blistercards)
VEB Berlinplast VEB Plastspielwaren Berlin, former GDR Production stopped, see 'Plastspielwaren' .
VEB Models ?, ? Assembles die-cast and plastic models of military vehicles.
VEMI VEMI, The Netherlands Plastic models of Dutch buses.
Verem Verem, France modellisting Production stopped.
Vero former GDR All modeltrain accessory manufacturers of the GDR were joined under this name from the 1970s onwards. 
Vertiges Christian Restier, France modellisting Presented some carmodels in 1992. 
Vibro ?, France Produced plastercast models in the 1950s.
Vierke Vierke Marketing Service GmbH, Germany Manufacturer of diecast beer trucks and a Volvo Amazon.
Viessmann Viessmann GmbH, Germany Not a real modelmaker, enhances models with lighting.
Vintage Vehicles  ?, USA Production stopped  at the end of 1994, but due to the demand from modellers a limited number of approximately 300 of each of the five kits in the Vintage Vehicles line was made available again. These kits were only available through direct retail mail order from the Vintage Vehicles website. The mould of the Erie B steam shovel has been sold to Jordan, the model is available there.
VK Modelle Veit Kornberger, Germany 87th scale keychains, also distributes Kembel in Germany. See Kornberger.
Voigt Hans Voigt, Germany Distributor of a resin BMW 3200CS model made by BS-Design.
Vollmer Vollmer GmbH, Germany modellisting In 1990 Vollmer introduced their 'car-line', the models were actually made by Praline, but were moulded in different colours and had a Vollmer logo on the bottom. Vollmer also sometimes uses Wiking models as accessories to their kits. In 2008 Vollmer announced a new series of die-cast models, made by Welly.
V/R  ?, Ukraine modellisting Assembled resin busmodels. 
Vulcan Hobbies Lynn Heintz, USA modellisting Solid cast clear resin kits of US prototypes, out of production. The moulds and masters are currently in the possession of Lynn Heintz. 


Wabash Valley  ?, USA Metal truck/trailer kits which first appeared in 1983. 
Walker Walker Model Service, USA White metal kits, name changed to On-Trak.
Walldorf Mini Model International, Germany modellisting White metal kits, production stopped.
Walter Technomodell Gerhard Walter, former GDR The moulds for the Trabant 601 and Wartburg 311 sold by Haufe were made for Haufe by Walter. They are identifiable by the 'wm' logo on their bottomplate. 
Walthers Wm. K. Walthers Inc., USA modellisting Hollow-cast resin kits and injection moulded plastic models.
Wave Wave Co., Japan 1/87 kit of a 'JGSDF Type 66 Mobile Maser Cannon' (?!) probably modelled after equipment used in a Godzilla movie.
WDS Weiner Design Studio, Czech Republic Paper (!) model kits of mainly Czech trucks in 1/100.
WDV WDV Werbedruck, Germany Herpa models with own prints.
Weber Weber, Austria Simplified copies of Wiking models from the fifties.
Weico Weico Models, Australia White metal kits and assembled models in 1/87.
Weico Modell Walter Lehmler, Germany German distributor of Weico in the 1980s.
Weigand H.G. Weigand, Germany Resin kits, production stopped. Several kits are still available at GFM.
Weinert Weinert Modellbau, Germany modellisting White-metal kits.
Wespe Wespe Models, Romania Well known for their larger scale resin kits Wespe is now offering resin kits of military models in 1/87 as well.
West Coast Decals BS Design, Germany Decals only.
Western Models Western Models Ltd., UK Produced the 'Metal87' series for Danhausen and manufactured models in 1/43 as well. Western Models stopped in 2007.
Weston Weston, USA Division of Campbell Scale Models.
Westward ?, UK White-metal kits in 1/76 scale.
Welly Welly Die Casting, Hongkong modellisting Diecast models in 1/87.
WG WG Modellbau, Germany Resin kits of truckcabs .
Wheel Works The Wheel Works, USA modellisting Metal kits of mainly pre-WWII cars and trucks.
Wiad Wiad, Germany modellisting ex-Heras models.
Widea Oriental Toys Industries, Hongkong modellisting Die-cast models.
Wiking Wiking Modellbau GmbH, Germany modellisting Plastic models made since 1947.
Williams Brett Industries, Inc., USA modellisting In December of 2004, Williams Brothers, Inc. ceased production after a 45 year history. The immediate family could not continue the business; so, in March of 2005, all rights and assets required to produce the original products were purchased by Brett Industries, Inc. and will be marketed as 'Williams Brothers Model Products'.
Wimmer Wimmer, Germany Production stopped.
Winner's Circle ?, China modellisting 1/87 scale die-cast NASCAR models, sold at Wal-Mart, USA.
Wintney Wintney Miniatures, UK 1/76th white-metal kit of a British Army Bedford MKGS 4x4.
Wizard Weico Models, Australia modellisting White metal kits and assembled models in 1/76.
Wolters Wolters, Netherlands Dry transfers, probably out of production.
Woodland Scenics Woodland Scenics Inc., USA modellisting
Woody ?, Japan White-metal kits, HINO bus in 1/100 and a Diamond T truck in 1/87.
World Zechin Eidai Corporation, Japan modellisting Grip Zechin models were released under this brandname in 1980, but they disappeared from the market in 1981.
Worsley Works A. Doherty, UK Amongst 1/76th scale kits also manufactures cast white-metal and etched brass kits in 1/87.
Woytnik N. Woytnik Modellbahntechnik, Germany Photo-etched brass kits of a bus and truck models.
WR Design Reinhold Wiche, Germany modellisting Resin kits and assembled resin models of Porsche prototypes.
WSM Walter Siebert Modellbau, Germany See: Siebert
WSW WSW Modellbau, Germany Resin kits of military models.
WuB WuB Miniatures, Germany (?) Metal kits of farm tractors (Eicher EKL 15/II & MAN B45A)
WUMM Modell ?, Hungary Resin bus models
W&T Scalelink Scalelink Ltd., UK modellisting 1/76th scale metal kits.


Yat-Ming Yat Ming Ind. Factory Ltd., Hongkong Production stopped in 1982, other scale models are still in production.
Ye Olde Huff'N'Puff  ?, USA Metal kit of a farm tractor.
Young Peter Young, Australia modellisting 1/87th and 1/76th scale metal kits.
Yujin Yujin, Japan see Initial D.


Zee toys Intex Corporation, USA Production stopped, see Zylmex/Zyll. Now Motormax
Zenker Jens Zenker, Germany modellisting Limited editions of models after former GDR prototypes.
Zima ?, ?  See: Tonka.
Zimmermann ?, Switzerland Resin models of Swiss prototypes.
Zippy Zoomers LoneStar Products, UK modellisting See Tuf-Tots listing for more information.
ZP-Ruch ?, Poland See: Ruch
Zycon Models  Dan Goins, USA Brass 1/87th models of mining and construction equipment.
Zylmex Intex Corporation, USA Production stopped. See Zee Toys / Zyll. Now Motormax.
Zyll Intex Corporation, USA Production stopped, see Zee Toys/Zylmex. Now Motormax.
Z&Z Z&Z Exclusiv Model, Czech Republic modellisting Small series of handmade models after Czech prototypes. For some models parts of other manufacturers are being used. 

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